SHARE Baltimore is the network of CLTs in Baltimore City, consisting of North East Housing Initiative (NEHI), South Baltimore Community Land Trust (SBCLT), Cherry Hill Development Corporation (CHDC), Charm City Land Trusts (CCLT), Harbor West Collaborative Affordable Housing Community Land Trust, and Invest York Road.
The role that SHARE plays is in convening CLTs, advocating on behalf of the CLT movement in Baltimore and beyond, centralizing functions so that the CLTs can work more efficiently, and promoting the CLT model to the general public and to potential partners. Investing in SHARE allows us to invest in Baltimore's CLTs, creating a more equitable city for all.
PLEASE NOTE: After donating, you will receive a thank you email and tax receipt from SHARE Baltimore's fiscal sponsor, North East Housing Initiative, Inc (NEHI). Your credit card statement will also show NEHI as the beneficiary of your contribution.